Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Expat Christmas

We're getting ready for Christmas here in Little-Blighty-on-the-Great-Lakes. The big feature here is Christmas dinner (if you don't count family high tea on Boxing Day). I'm looking forward to Turkey, Stuffing, Bread Sauce, Roast Potatoes, Sprouts, Parsnips and Gravy (Aah Bisto!). Not forgetting mince pies.
We've been watching old episodes of Last of The Summer Wine on Youtube and Annette just had to have the squeezy tomato sauce bottle as used in Sid's Cafe, 'sourced' on ebay. Naf is the new kind.
Eat, drink and be merry as for 2012 I predict that governments will continue to spend money that they have borrowed; at least one country will leave the Euro but the resulting problems will turn out to be a blessing; the soon-to-be £10 billion plus Olympics will bring three weeks of 'sport' promoting hamburgers, fizzy pop and credit cards. Let us hope we see the back of some more dictators. Meanwhile have a Happy New Year!
Photograph by Annette.

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